gardening · Homestead

The Magic​ of Simple Gardening Indoors

    I asked my husband for a Tower Garden since I heard about these magical Jetson-like growing machines in mid-2017.  He insisted that we didn’t need one since we live on 50 acres, but I knew what a blessing it would be.  So, I casually mentioned (about 100 times) how beneficial it would be.  No…… Continue reading The Magic​ of Simple Gardening Indoors

Faith · family · home school · Homestead

Homeschooling at age two

We started homeschooling our son last year. This year, he’s two and we are continuing down that path.  I often get strange looks when I mention we are already homeschooling.  However, it’s not what you might think.  We don’t have a formal setting, at all.  We don’t homeschool for eight hours a day.  We rarely…… Continue reading Homeschooling at age two


Pumpkin Bliss Treats!

Originally posted on Front Porch Bliss:
They have arrived…Pumpkin Spice Cheerios! ? I heard about the Limited Edition release a few weeks ago and have been stalking my grocery store aisle?for them ever since! ?These aren’t your typical pumpkin flavored item, they definitely have some spice. ?They are really tasty as a cereal, but are…


But, how do you socialize them?!

Originally posted on Front Porch Bliss:
Any time I mention that I would like to home school, I hear the socialization argument.  Every.  Single.  Time.  I’m not exactly sure where this stems from, but most people reference the odd child that they knew growing up who was homeschooled.  I always wonder about the other odd children…